What a difference a day makes

How about some english, that was a long long time ago, so don't laugh;)
To make a long story short, today was a good day although nothing spektakular happend. I had my favourite lesson of the week, grammar (im sick, I know:P). Then went home to study my-not-so-favourite subject, Linguistik. After looking through my worksheets that are soaked in red from the teacher's correction, I feelt a bit descended. My anger grew against this stuff that just don't want to get in me head, ahhh, I'm now developing a new tactic, im gone fool my self into loving this so much that i can't stop reading and then im gonna nail this exam! Good idea Janni :D
Well after 3h with this subject it was time for my tutorium in the same subject, ain't I the lucky one :D After that I had to realese something:P haha...so I went for a run, it's been 5 weeks since my last so i was a bit rusty and I definately feel a slight pain in my legs, but im lovin it!
Then quick home, a bit to eat, then off to LÄNDERABEND - PAKISTAN
I got one word for it dealicious food, yummy! 
ohh i almost forgot the most important part:P The funniest thing ever happend today. We were listening to our proffesor talking non-stop grammar för 1,5 hour in Hörsaal 10 (u who have been ther) and in the middle of the lesson, we suddenly hear the sound of something rolling and everyone stop talking and is absolutely quiet. Then I and Pilvi (my grammar bud) see a apple rolling down the room to the front where the proffessor is observing the motion aswell and suddenly he says; There is a appel rollling there.....the he goes on with grammar.
The best pause of my life so far, and his suprised eyes an ability to just move on, with that apple laying there, haha



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